Stand My Ground

From the kitchen window I saw the bold intrusion

Of arrogant ne’er-do-well misfits and vagabonds,

Claiming the authority of planted location,

Holding forthright intentions to move in and stay.

A violation, a sharp insult, a thrown gauntlet

Catching my composed sensibilities off guard,

But not out of sudden emotional reach,

As indignant pride and defensive action responded

To prompt an immediate retaliatory engagement.

So I gathered up initiative like a change of clothes,

Girdling my loins in old jeans, tight but functional

Against the anticipated aspects of battle,

Gathered various weapons, sharp, hard and deadly,

Then set forth toward the state of confrontation

Found in any defense of territorial rights.

Walking right up, matching silence with silence,

I eyed their sharpened blades so casually displayed

And hoped my own armored gauntlets

Could handle their efficacious nature,

Knowing that push would come to pull,

In the anticipated hand over hand combat.

Without further ado, hoping for the best, I attacked

Like a mad man venting his anger in defense

Of hearth, home and countryside,

Fighting for the claim of proprietary domain.

I swung the leverage of my irresistible blade,

Decapitating and toppling foe after sturdy foe,

Letting the armed and dangerous bodies pile

Where I cast them down, like Philistines

 Well met of my jawboned determination.

On and on, into the wooded depths I chased

These rooted usurpers and villainous cads,

Throwing them away from their offensive stand

Against my just and righteous cause,

Giving battle in the thick sweat of the day

Taking my own flesh wounds in steady stride;

Fighting each encamped foe to the source,

Digging out their strongholds upon the earth,

Offering no quarter, yielding no ground,

Maintaining my course into dominant victory,

And then standing tall in panted view.

My enemies were done and vanquished,

Their remains piled upon the field of victory

To wait for the yard men to pick them up

Like the thorny weeds that they were.

Leveraged Blade

Leveraged Blade